Customers play a crucial role in a successful launch. From communicating your vision and needs to completing customer deliverables on schedule, your project’s dedicated point person should allocate several hours weekly to your Nyla launch.
1. You’ll be partnered with a Launch Expert who will lead your project start to finish. Nyla carefully selects and trains this pool of ecommerce professionals, who use our revolutionary launch playbook to maximize efficiency and Nyla’s site customization possibilities.
2. Your Launch Expert will work with you to develop and approve a clear scope that defines your project. This process begins with your scope selection, and is refined this during the Discovery and Design phases.
Once you sign off your scope, the project enters the Build phase and no further edits are allowed in order to stay on launch schedule. To maximize your experience with Nyla, we recommend any late edits be planned as post-launch projects with separate scopes, but if a request is non-negotiable for launch, you can work with your Launch Expert to push out your launch date as needed and add on the request in a new, a la carte scope.
3. A clear, fast and successful onboarding depends on you, the customer. The more you know and communicate early about your desired design, features, and functionality, the better able your team will be to bring it to life. Nyla Launch Experts are amazing, but they can’t read minds, so be sure to communicate!
4. Launch prep belongs to everyone. Your Launch Expert is trained to lead your project and build your site, but there are significant customer deliverables.
Each project requires a customer point person to provide detailed and timely customer deliverables, including detailed questionnaires during Discovery, feedback during Design, and approvals during Scoping Close. Once a site is built, the Customer phase of the launch project begins, and the point person will be the primary owner of finalizing the website for launch.
Nyla is a robust front end tool, but the platform and your Launch Expert are not replacements for an ecommerce agency. As a customer, you’ll be responsible for managing third party components and tools, such as apps, analytics, and marketing.
5. You’re going to be a Nyla pro– of you’ll work with them! Every Nyla Launch project requires the customer point person complete a 6h training course to prepare them for their pre-launch responsibilities. This course will prepare you to manage your site on Nyla, but if you prefer to outsource your site management work, you can reach out Nyla’s roster of freelance Experts for a la carte projects, perfect for tasks that require speciality, or as a time saver for busy teams.